SIDBI, being an apex development finance institution, has been addressing the key requirement of availability of capital to Start-ups for the past more than two decades through supporting / subscribing to various venture capital funds / Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) and ensuring that the support reaches the Start-ups through its different stages of business cycles viz. seed, series A, growth etc. The investments by these funds are harbingers for growth which propel economic activity, wealth creation and employment generation.
SIDBI has committed cumulatively more than Rs 5400 crores to over 120 funds under its various Fund of Funds operations.
SIDBI is actively seeking applications for contributions to Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) under Fund of Funds for Startups (FFS) and ASPIRE Fund (AF). More details on FFS and AF are available in their individual sections. The other Fund of Funds managed by SIDBI viz. India Aspiration Fund (IAF), All India Funds, Regional Funds and MSME-RCF are under divestment/exit stage and not accepting any new applications for consideration.